Thursday, April 30, 2015

Greenhouse Season Is Upon us

Peavy Mart
The first shipment of plants into Westlock Peavy Mart this spring. They are very pretty but it was cold outside so it wasn't warm and humid inside yet.
There were baby chicks for the atrocious price of eight dollars apiece, cute as cute as could be. But in the true sense of life being unfair we were not allowed to touch them. I suppose it was fair for the chicks but I felt very deprived. I met my friend on the way in and the clerk told her that she had more trouble keeping the old ladies in line than the children so I knew I had to behave. It was no problem for Donna. She <I> claims to be indifferent to chickens.

They also had this very creepy birdhouse. The mouth is the opening. It seems very sinister to me.

YIG also had some plants in and wisely kept them in store so the tender little green things wouldn't wind scald. I picked up basil and chocolate mint.

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