Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homemade Ever-So-Yummy Mushroom Soup

Here is a wonderful comfort food for cold weather.  It's a great thing to make when fresh mushrooms are half price down at the local YIG store.
Chop and fry one onion, and about 1 small stalk
celery.  Fry the onion and celery over medium heat in butter, maybe 4 tablespoons, or olive oil, until the onions are golden and see through
Add chopped mushrooms. How many? Depends how big a package you bought. I would say more is better. Maybe one of those plastic produce bags full. 
Cook until mushrooms are limp.  Take a jar with a tight fitting lid. Put in one cup water and 3 tablespoons flour.  Shake until smooth. Pour into the veggie mix, stirring vigorously and as soon as that is done add another jar of water. Total water maybe four cups.  Simmer with Salt, pepper, a pinch of parsley and a dash of seasoned salt. 
Eventually you can stir in milk to make it the thickness you prefer.
I would rather salt and flavor the soup with chicken soup base. 
 It's simmering on the stove and smells like a thousand spring days, when the sun comes out after a May rain and the forest floor is trying its hardest to produce a bumper crop of mushrooms.  Little pink flowers are blooming there, the wild violets are budding, and the birds are ecstatic simply because it's spring.  Mm-hmmm.
Now, if I take off my glasses and don't look outside I can pretend it is spring. 

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