Monday, August 27, 2012


For anyone who has scalded finger tips peeling boiled beets, this idea may help.  I cut the tops off the beets, leaving a little stem on, and wash off dirt and sand, and put them into a stock pot, largest ones at the bottom.  I then fill it with hot water to cover, and bring the whole thing to a boil.  Then I shut it off and leave it overnight.  The beets are cooked through in the morning, and it's not painful to skin them.  Today I am looking forwards to cutting them up with the large ripple cutter I found at a garage sale.  My husbands grandmother had a little one she made harvard beets with, but I wore two little ones out, as I cut cheese, small zucchini, and carrots with them, too.  So I was incredibly pleased to find a Pampered Chef one for a bargain price.  So to work now...

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